Welcome to my learning blog… we are all fucking stupid and one day we will die…

Try to smile and enable new minds.

You only have one life and it’s one continuous moment, one continuous feeling, one continuous presence in which every human being, animal, plant, and atom experiences simultaneously, until it stops. At what point each of those experiences stop in terms of consciousness is yet to be discovered by science, religion or conspiracy and is overlooked daily by the vast majority. I believe that having a good understanding of each of these possibilities is a good basis as to become a grounded human being. Being able to understand other people’s beliefs and perspectives and how they were formed allows you to act non-judgmentally knowing that there isn’t an answer to many of the great questions of life. This can then by-pass conflict and allow constructive conversations to take place regarding the issues at hand.

The fact we don’t know should scare and excite you. Every second of your existence be it as a single mind or a great collective consciousness passes just as the next one arises. It is this belief that fuels me to embrace every second, finding the silver lining in the worst moments and maximising the potential of the so called “dull” moments. Being present is the only way to truly do this and this idea has been supported by many of the key figures and ideologies which I have begun to study. To see the life in the faces of individuals and to feel every sensation that our body experiences. I’m pretty shite at doing this and can only maintain this level of presence for a few precious seconds at a time before my mind begins to flood with crazy ego driven desires and projections of negative situations. It’s this incessant brain waffle which screws us as humans; our values and our mental well-being. We either want something more or become unhappy with the way things are, we produce positive scenarios in our heads that can never be achieved or we create terrifying outcomes that hold us back, basically we become unhappy as we try to control that, that cannot be controlled. The rate and potency at which the realisation that we are not as aware as we believe we are differs between individuals. Going completely unnoticed for some masked by the flood of distractions provided for us by the modern world.

A little hard hitting I know but I hope introducing these ideas slowly will stop them becoming overwhelming and instead allow for a fresh outlook to form. For many this is old news but you are not the voice in your head! I will explore that concept in more detail at a later date but for now I don’t want to scare friends off with the so called “hippie bullshit” just yet.

I will explore that concept in more detail at a later date but for now I don’t want to scare friends off with the so called “hippie bullshit” just yet.

A recent series of drug induced psychotic episodes combined with the deflating realisation that making money and achieving ego fuelled goals doesn’t make you happy and, in my experience, never truly will as we attempted to tick off a box on our never-ending shopping lists. This began a progressive change in my outlook and combining this with my previously misguided lust for life has helped me to generate this new-found love for knowledge. As a 20-year-old male from Kent I have been surrounded by materialism, individualism and egoic ideals my whole life, and although I still believe materialism, individualism and the ego do have a place in society, I don’t believe it should be the main focus for mankind and as these concepts grow, they have devastating repercussions to individuals, the earth and all that inhabits it. When material possessions take priority over basic human concepts such as love it becomes clear there is an underlying problem. I have been lucky enough to be raised in healthy living conditions and environments, having received the perfect mix of the two combined with the scenarios I have been through and the choices I have made have eventually led me to grow and have allowed me to see through the fog I was previously living in, setting me off on a new path to make better choices. I have personally experienced the differences in lifestyles and I cannot see why anyone would healthily choose to go back after making this conversion. Family, friends and strangers have commented on this and although my choices have improved and my outlook streamlined, many of my actions are still dreadfully incorrect and will require far greater levels of scrutiny. The fact I am beginning to understand this and am becoming aware of my own faults is the most important first step for me. This idea has been relayed heavily by many key philosophers and religious figures across the globe and throughout history.

The population of aware intelligent human beings or at least that I have personally encountered is very small. We are very fucking stupid; the vast majority of human beings continuing to blindly follow the patterns laid out for them by the previous generation of people who didn’t understand how to live a truly meaningful life – the evidence of which surrounds us. I am certainly no way near living such a life myself but laughably four books down and over 50 hours in podcast later I’m feeling a lot better about what is really important. So, in attempt to motivate myself to think, read and write, I shall begin using a blog to write articles and to attempt to share the most important sections of what I’m choosing to study. I want to begin relaying information from books & podcasts, key characters & statistics, ideologies, religions and politics publicly, with an open honest mind as truthfully as I can. This should motivate me to write and help to clarify my own ideas whilst simultaneously opening them up to criticism and allowing further discussion to take place. This is the path that I believe the rest of my blog will follow, hopefully being directional, semi-entertaining and informative as it unfolds. If I can inspire a few individuals to follow this path or begin upon their own journey of discovery then that’s a bonus. It is my current belief that it is only through the honest interactions of individuals and the successful communication of ideas between them that positive change can happen in this world. This belief has been derived from many of the significant figures who’s works and reputations, past and present speaks for themselves.

There’s no doubt that the frequency of interesting thought-provoking conversations being had between young people is increasing, from my own experience I’m finding the nature of many of my discussions be it at work, travelling or outside a pub at 4am turning into questions of politics, spirit and the future and I’m not always the advocate of these kinds of topics. There’s an unavoidable depth in the youth of today, most likely down to the crazy political landscape we live in; with the environment being an example of an unignorable topic moving to the forefront of discussion.

My sister (aged 15) recently said to me that “all adults seem unhappy, everyone seems unhappy but you’re like the happiest adult I know and I feel like I have a good chance at being happy as an adult because you’re my brother”, now I didn’t just wham that in there to make me look good, well that wasn’t my main intention. The fact is I’m not even as happy as I could be, I’m aware of that, in fact I’m a miserable fuck most of the time, so how fucking sad are we all? Whether my so-called happiness is due to my own youth having not yet faced the tests of time, I don’t know but I truly think that as we evaluate our own behaviours and increase our understanding of the world in the right way, we can learn to live happily amongst one and other; humbled and exhilarated by the great expanse of the unknown.  

To make all my true motivations clear I will be fighting myself with all my might to not make money and personal gain the primary focus of my writing although making an extra penny would of course be a new-found dream come true! Sharing my opinion publicly on the facts and theories of all the great minds and texts that continue to expand my consciousness both thrills and terrifies me but I cannot help but think about it and therefore I’m going to run with it for a while. I am no newbie when it comes to trial and error and having attempted different business ideas and so-called social media quests which have succeeded, failed and dwindled out. I’m giving this a shot but with learning at the heart of this endeavour it seems it cannot fail to be at the least personally beneficial. Welcome to my learning blog.

Second from the right, my scruffy little face, hopefully creating a sense of the person of whom this is coming from :), not the guy who’s been invited to try clay pigeon shooting; in case that was to becomes an issue for someone – but the human.

Side note… Although I’m not hiding my identity, I’m using the name alias “enable new minds” to allow me to use different social media platforms whilst maintaining separation between my writing and my personal life. It’s quite a cool name which kind of concludes the aims of my own personal education although it does act as if I’m already some kind of important writing body or organisation of which I am not.

In attempt to gain headway with my writing I’ll be shamelessly promoting this across social media and I hope that anyone who at the least has found this vaguely interesting could do the same and show their support. I consider this compulsory of my close friends and family and I welcome constructive feedback from anyone be it through private messaging or below if I can generate a comments section. Any support and/or insight would really mean a lot, helping me to develop further and gauge how this has been received. Much love.

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15 thoughts on “Welcome to my learning blog… we are all fucking stupid and one day we will die…

  1. I think that this could literally change people’s perspectives of the world that we live in and and could potentially be life changing for people who listen to your words and act on them. Truly inspiring.


  2. Hi! I really enjoyed the article and hope to hear more of it! The point about ‘the unavoidable depth of youth’ is interesting and I’d like to hear more about that in upcoming posts. I also like your outlook in terms of this being a learning endeavour it’s a better perspective than most people have, not trying at all rather than and learning and adapting.


  3. Loved it! I’m glad I’m not alone on what sometimes feels like this lonely journey to enlightenment, some hard hitting points you made, can’t wait for the next!


  4. A useful post for anyone looking to benefit their wellbeing, as opposed to filling their thoughts with more useless distractions. Will look forward to reading more posts in the future!


  5. This was actually very interesting and something everyone should read to expand knowledge and understand other people 🙂


  6. Really enjoyed that, so honest and real. I am looking forward to the chance to Enable my Mind…. I am sure that there are many people who are ready to take a journey to a new perspective! There are also many of us don’t know it yet.
    It’s such a great idea that as you personally discover more, so can others.. to share your learning journey is a chance for others to refocus and make a difference too….looking forward to more …


  7. Great to hear these words coming from you Aidan, for it fills me with hope that this new generation that is now coming of age will be the changes in the world that is long over due. Happiness I too believe stems from such an inquiry, to awaken, to the see beneath the material, and to be brave enough to share. The more you all discuss such things, and the more you learn and share with open and enquiring minds, then you will all become part of the solutions in creating the changes this world so desperately needs. There is so much more for those brave enough to take the path least followed. Inspirational stuff, so quest on matey.

    I look forwards to the next installment of wisdom, loving it.


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